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Thread: Compiz Restore All Windows Hot Corner

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Compiz Restore All Windows Hot Corner

    I've got a relatively normal installation of Ubuntu 9.10, x86.

    Using Ubuntu Tweak I currently have the bottom right corner set to Show Windows and the bottom left to Show Desktop. As expected if I have two windows restored and one minimized then trigger show desktop twice, it minimizes the two then restores them, leaving the third window minimized. Would it be possible to configure a third corner to restore all windows?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2008

    Re: Compiz Restore All Windows Hot Corner

    Quote Originally Posted by Samineru View Post
    I've got a relatively normal installation of Ubuntu 9.10, x86.

    Using Ubuntu Tweak I currently have the bottom right corner set to Show Windows and the bottom left to Show Desktop. As expected if I have two windows restored and one minimized then trigger show desktop twice, it minimizes the two then restores them, leaving the third window minimized. Would it be possible to configure a third corner to restore all windows?
    This may not be exactly what your looking.
    It's a hack of the scale plugin which will show minimized windows as well.
    #!/usr/bin/env python
    # Written by Greg Till
    # November 2008
    # Public domain software
    from __future__ import division
    import gtk
    import os
    import wnck
    import time
    """ Unminimizes and re-minimizes windows for Compiz's Scale plugin
    More specifically:
    - Unminimize all minimized viewport windows 
    - Launch the Scale plugin of the Compiz window manager
    - Re-minimize previously minimized windows (other than any newly activated
        window and windows closed through Scale)
    In this script, you may customize the 'pluginDelay' variable. This variable
        refers to the duration between when Scale activates and when you may
        select a window using Scale. In rare instances, windows may spontaneously
        become active after they have been unminimized and after Scale has started,
        but before you have selected a window in Scale. A change in window status
        will trigger the reminimization process. By setting a short delay after
        Scale begins, these rare active window changes will be caught and ignored.
        Each such active window change will reset the time. Typically, it can be a
        small number (a fraction of a second) and is needed, if at all, only when
        the system is working under heavy load.
    Scale can show the windows in the current viewport or all viewports. To have
        Scale show windows from the current viewport (the default), the command
        near the end of this script that begins 'org/freedesktop/compiz...',
        should read as follows:
    To have Scale show windows from all viewports, change the command as follows:
    Regardless of which approach you use, only the windows in the current viewport
        are (un)minimized. To (un)minimize windows from all viewports would be a
        dizzying experience due to the rapid viewport changing it would
    previousTime = 0
    def get_screen():
        """Get the screen object and refresh the screen"""
        screen = wnck.screen_get_default()
        return screen
    def get_windows():
        """Get the list of all windows"""
        screen = get_screen()
        allWindows = screen.get_windows_stacked()
        return allWindows
    def get_tasklist_windows():
        """Get the list of windows in the tasklist"""
        # The tasklist can be configured to include windows from other viewports
        allWindows = get_windows()
        tasklistWindows = []
        for window in allWindows:
            if window.is_skip_tasklist():
            elif window.is_skip_pager():
            elif window.is_sticky():
        return tasklistWindows
    def get_viewport_windows(): 
        """Get the list of windows that are in the viewport"""
        allWindows = get_windows()
        screen = get_screen()
        workspace = screen.get_active_workspace()
        viewportWindows = []
        for window in allWindows:
            if window.is_in_viewport(workspace):
        return viewportWindows
    def get_eligible_windows():
        """Get the list of windows that are in the viewport and the tasklist"""
        # Only these windows are subject to being unminimized
        eligibleWindows = []
        allWindows = get_windows()
        tasklistWindows = get_tasklist_windows()
        viewportWindows = get_viewport_windows()
        for window in allWindows:
            if window in tasklistWindows and window in viewportWindows:
        return eligibleWindows
    def get_ineligible_windows():
        """Get the list of windows that are in the viewport & not the tasklist"""
        # One of these windows will be activated later in the script 
        ineligibleWindows = []
        allWindows = get_windows()
        viewportWindows = get_viewport_windows()
        eligibleWindows = get_eligible_windows()
        activeWindow = get_active_window()
        for window in allWindows:
            if window in eligibleWindows:
            # Don't let the Desktop be included in the list of ineligibleWindows if
            #    it is currently active; otherwise, activating an ineligibleWindow
            #    later in the script will not trigger the initial active window
            #    change signal
            # Cannot refer to the Desktop by name because not every WM will list it
            elif window in viewportWindows and window != activeWindow:
        return ineligibleWindows   
    def get_active_window():
        """Get the active window"""
        screen = get_screen()
        activeWindow = screen.get_active_window()
        return activeWindow
    def determine_minimized(windows):
        """Determine which windows in a given list are minimized"""
        minimizedWindows = []
        for window in windows:
            if window.is_minimized():
        return minimizedWindows
    def window_command(window, command):
        """Handle various window actions"""
        # Use wmctrl instead of equivilant commands in xwit and wnck (the latter
        #    two can cause the tasklist to blink and wnck requires X server
        #    timestamps for some actions)
        # Use xwit for minimizing because wmctrl does not have a
        #    working minimize function
        if command == 'close':
            os.popen('wmctrl -ic ' + str(window.get_xid()))
        if command == 'maximize_toggle':
            os.popen('wmctrl -ir ' + str(window.get_xid()) +
                ' -b toggle,maximized_vert,maximized_horz')
        if command == 'minimize':
            os.popen('xwit -iconify -id ' + str(window.get_xid()))
        if command == 'unminimize' or command == 'activate':
            os.popen('wmctrl -ia ' + str(window.get_xid()))
    def reminimize(minimizedWindows):
        # Need a new list of eligible windows because one or more windows may
        #    have been closed by Scale
            activeWindow = get_active_window()
            newEligibleWindows = get_eligible_windows()
            for window in newEligibleWindows:
                if window == activeWindow:
                elif window in minimizedWindows:
                    window_command(window, 'minimize')
    def handler_reminimize(screen, window, firstIneligibleWin,
        """Re-minimize previously minimized windows after Scale finishes"""
        # 'active_window_changed' WnckScreen signal
        # 'window' argument reflects previously active window, not the current one
        # Window selection, window close, and show desktop actions in Scale all
        #    trigger this signal
        # Hitting escape in Scale yields no signal; nothing can be done by this
        #    script in this instance. This script won't close and windows will
        #    not reminimize until after the user activated another window
        # No actions from Scale are received until Scale after has finished; also,
        #    after it finishes, only the signal from its final action is received
        #    (thus, multiple window closures can occur but not result in multiple
        #    received signals)
        # This script also triggers the signal (before invoking Scale), when it
        #    activates an ineligible window
        # Thus, need to check if the active window is the same as the ineligible
        #    window activated by this script
        # If it is, then the script will wait until a window state change is
        #    caused by Scale, rather than this script (so hurry up and wait)
        # If it is not, then the script will reminimize windows, unless the user
        #    selects the desktop in Scale, which is addressed by a different
        #    handler
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Duration in seconds between when Scale activates and when you may select
        #    a window using Scale. Used to catch late-breaking, spontaneous active
        #    window change events. Resets with each such event
        # Adjust this variable as necessary 
        pluginDelay = 0.3
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        activeWindow = get_active_window()
        global previousTime
        currentTime = time.time()
        if activeWindow == firstIneligibleWin:
            # This is most likely triggered by the script itself
            # Pass and await selection of a window by the user
            previousTime = currentTime    
        elif activeWindow in minimizedWindows:
            elapsedTime = 0
            if previousTime:
                elapsedTime = currentTime - previousTime
            if elapsedTime < pluginDelay:
                # Too little time has elapsed, meaning that the window was most
                #    likely made active by late mapping; reset the active window
                previousTime = currentTime
                window_command(firstIneligibleWin, 'activate')
                # Elapsed time is long enough, so presume the window was selected
                #    by the user; reminimize
            # Active window is an originally unminimized window; no mapping issue
            if minimizedWindows:
    def handler_show_desktop(screen):
        # 'showing_desktop_changed' WnckScreen signal
        """Quit the script if the user selects the desktop in Scale"""
        screen = get_screen()
        toggledDesktop = screen.get_showing_desktop()
        if toggledDesktop:
    def main():
        # ************************************************************************
        # Unminimize all minimized viewport windows
        # ************************************************************************
        eligibleWindows = get_eligible_windows()
        ineligibleWindows = get_ineligible_windows() 
        if eligibleWindows:
            minimizedWindows = determine_minimized(eligibleWindows)
        if minimizedWindows:
            for window in minimizedWindows:
                window_command(window, 'unminimize')
        # ************************************************************************
        # Launch the Scale plugin of the Compiz window manager
        # ************************************************************************
        # Aside from ESCaping out, Scale will exit upon one of three actions:
        #    Selecting a tasklist window, closing the last tasklist window, or
        #    showing the desktop
        # Activating a non-tasklist window in this script ensures that Scale will
        #    always generate an 'active_window_changed' event when it exits
        # Launch Scale
        scale=os.popen('dbus-send --type=method_call ' +
        '--dest=org.freedesktop.compiz ' +
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        # Update this line as desired according to instructions at the top of this
        #    script
        '/org/freedesktop/compiz/scale/allscreens/initiate_key ' 
        # ------------------------------------------------------------------------
        + ' org.freedesktop.compiz.activate string:\'root\' ' +
        'int32:`xwininfo -root | grep id: | awk \'{ print $4 }\'`')
        # ************************************************************************
        # Re-minimize previously minimized windows (other than any newly activated
        #    window and windows closed through Scale)
        # ************************************************************************           
        firstIneligibleWin = ineligibleWindows[0]
        window_command(firstIneligibleWin, 'activate')
        screen = get_screen()
        screen.connect('active_window_changed', handler_reminimize,
            firstIneligibleWin, minimizedWindows)
        screen.connect('showing_desktop_changed', handler_show_desktop)
    if __name__ == '__main__':
    Save in your home folder as
    and make executable.

    Open up compiz config settings manager > commands
    into one of the command line boxes.
    Then click on the edge bindings tab and associate an edge binding to the command.

    Make sure the scale and scale addons plugins are enabled

    By default the script will show windows from the current desktop (minimized and unminimized) but
    if you read the first part of the script it will show you how to alter the script to show for all desktops.
    It will only show unminimized windows from other desktops though.

    If your accidentally triggering the edge button you can change the delay in
    compiz config settings manager > general options > edge trigger delay

    You may also need to install wmctrl and xwit.
    sudo apt-get install wmctrl xwit
    Last edited by stinkeye; December 26th, 2010 at 11:23 PM.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2006

    Re: Compiz Restore All Windows Hot Corner

    Sorry for the slow response, but this is fantastically helpful, thank you so much!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: Compiz Restore All Windows Hot Corner

    Bumping, in hopes that somebody can answer this question that's killing me : D

    I'm super happy for this hack. Is there a way I could edit the script (or somebody could give me the edited script) so that it would simply unminimize minimized windows, but not reminimize them when I hit the corner again?

    so like:

    hit corner > all windows (including minimized) come up > hit corner again > desktop goes back to normal

    Pretty much the way macs do it.

    Also, is there a way to bypass the minimization animations when this is used? Thanks guys!

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Ubuntu 10.10 Maverick Meerkat

    Re: Compiz Restore All Windows Hot Corner

    Thanks for the script stinkeye

    same question as fallofshadows.

    is it possible to go back to your original desktop when you hit the hot corner again.
    without the script scale does this. (but then I don't get the minimized windows)
    currently it just toggles between all windows and those that aren't minimized.



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